Advancing Reformed Partnerships
The WRF vision is to live out one of the clearly stated but often neglected themes of the great Reformed confessions of the church. The Westminster Confession of Faith (XXV, 2) affirms that there is "a visible universal church which consists of all those throughout the world that profess the true religion." The Belgic Confession (Article 27) emphasizes that "the one single catholic or universal church . . . is not confined, bound, or limited to a certain place or certain persons. But it is spread and dispersed throughout the entire world.
While specific regional or national expressions of the universal church do, in many ways, embody characteristics of the Body of Christ, there are other characteristics of that Body which transcend those expressions. It is those other characteristics that the WRF seeks to set forth in its commitments and in its activities.
The Theological Commission of the World Reformed Fellowship has worked on three projects to date. At the General Assembly in Edinburgh (2010), the WRF Statement of Faith was presented and approved. That Statement of Faith stands in continuity with the Reformed confessions of the 16th and 17th centuries but speaks to the issues and problems of the 21st century. At the General Assembly in Jakarta (2019), the WRF Statement of Reformed Theological Identity was approved. That statement offers an answer to the question ‘What does it mean to be Reformed?’ At the General Assembly of the WRF in Florida in 2022, the Theological Commission submitted its third project: the WRF Statement on Ecclesiology (the doctrine of the church). The document was unanimously approved by the General Assembly. Read the full item...
The Future of Denominationalism
A Consultation by the WRF North America East Coast Region
On April 1st and 2nd, 2025 the North American East Coast Regional Board of The World Reformed Fellowship will be sponsoring a two day consultation at the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Bethesda Maryland, on the theme of The Future of Denominationalism.
Blog & News
North America East Coast Region Consultation Announcement
Why Hold a Theological Consultation?
A Review of Cameron Fraser’s book Evangelicals and Abortion
Ruling as Servant-Leaders
Not Ashamed of the Gospel: The Reformational Witness of J. Gresham Machen
A Review of Richard Burnett, Machen’s Hope: The Transformation of a Modernist in the New Princeton
Recent News Items
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International Director
The World Reformed Fellowship
Avenida João XXIII, 350 - Sala 102
Mogi das Cruzes - SP - 08780-830
Financial Office
Chief Financial Officer
The World Reformed Fellowship
5200 Wind Point Drive
Racine, Wisconsin 53402