Initial Details of the 2010 General Assembly of the World Reformed Fellowship
Once every four years, members of the World Reformed Fellowship from all over the world gather to learn from one another, to worship the Triune God together, and to make important decisions about the future of the WRF.
The last of these General Assemblies was held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in March of 2006.
The next General Assembly will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, from April 12 through April 15, 2010.
On a regular basis, updates about the 2010 General Assembly will be posted here on the WRF website. If anyone would like to be sent those updates automatically, please send your request to Dr. Samuel Logan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Below are the details presently available.
The World Reformed Fellowship
The 2010 General Assembly
Details Available as of February 9, 2009
Theme: Continuing the Reformation: A Missional Theology for the 21st Century Global Church
Anniversaries being recognized
1. 450th Anniversary of the Scottish Reformation [in 1560, the Scottish Parliament approved the Scots Confession; the first General Assembly of the Scottish Presbyterian Church was held; and the Geneva Bible was completed]
2. 100th Anniversary of the World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. The theme of that conference was "The Evangelization of the World in This Generation" and emerging out of this conference was the International Missionary Council (in 1921), the formation of the World Council of Churches (in 1948), the merger of these two bodies (in 1961) and the creation of the Lausanne Consultation on World Evangelization (in 1974).
Dates: Monday evening, 12 April, 2010, through Thursday lunch on Thursday, 15 April, 2010 Location: Edinburgh, ScotlandConfirmed speakers
1. Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi of Uganda on the challenge to the church of issues relating to sexuality
2. Dr. Flip Buys of South Africa on the need for a Reformed theological perspective on issues of poverty and disease (especially AIDS)
3. Dr. Os Guinness of the U.S. and the U.K. on the intellectual challenges which Reformed theology must address in the 21st century
4. Dr. John Leonard of the U.S. on ministering effectively in the context of Islam
5. Dr. Leonardo De Chirico of Italy on ministering effectively in the context of Roman Catholicism
6. Dr. John Nicholls of the U.K. on the phenomenon of "hidden believers"
7. Dr. Elias Medeiros of the U.S. and Brazil on ministering effectively to the "migrant church"
8. Rev. Scot Sherman of the United States on effective ministry in a pluralist, secular context
9. Dr. Craig Higgins of the United States on the correlation of "word and deed" in worship and service
10. Dr. Augustus Nicodemus Lopes of Brazil on responding biblically to issues of gender identity
11. Dr. Derrick Mashau of South Africa on ministering effectively in the context of Pentecostalism
12. Dr. Peter Jones of the U.S. on "The New Spirituality"
13. The Rev. Peterson Sozi of Uganda on "Responses to Post Colonialism in Africa"
14. Dr. Matthew Ebenezer of Sri Lanka and India on "Spiritual Formation in Missional Theological Education"
15. Dr. Allan Harman of Australia on "Nurturing the Family in a Postmodern World"
16. PLUS ministry reports on the state of the evangelical Reformed church in the following nations, each report given by a resident of that nation: Brazil, China, India, South Korea, Indonesia, and Nigeria
Registration materials will be available on this website by May 30, 2009