News Items

NOTE: The content below expresses the views of the individual named as the author and does not necessarily reflect the position of the WRF as a whole.

Videos from the Fourth General Assembly of the World Reformed Fellowship

Below are most of the videos from the Fourth WRF General Assembly, held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from March 23 through March 27, 2015. 

The World Reformed Fellowship wishes to thank the Presbyterian Church of Brazil and Mackenzie Presbyterian University for making these materials available. 

Questions or comments about this material may be directed to WRF International Director, Dr. Flip Buys (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or to WRF Associate International Director, Dr. Samuel Logan (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


Opening Assembly Session on Monday night, March 23 – Welcome by Sam Logan, Worship led by Davi Gomes, and Presentation of the History of the WRF by Rick Perrin and Paul Gilchrist (English): 


Opening Assembly Session on Monday night, March 23 – Welcome by Sam Logan, Worship led by Davi Gomes, and Presentation of the History of the WRF by Rick Perrin and Paul Gilchrist (Portuguese):



Worship and Chris Wright Devotional on Tuesday, March 24 (English):




Tuesday morning, March 24 - Doug Birdsall’s Presentation about the Importance of Transdenominational Ministry Partnerships (English): 



Tuesday morning, March 24 - Doug Birdsall’s Presentation about the Importance of Transdenominational Ministry Partnerships (Portuguese): 



Tuesday morning, March 24 - Chris Wright’s Presentation about The Langham Partnership (English): 


Tuesday morning, March 24 - Chris Wright’s Presentation about The Langham Partnership (Portuguese): 



Tuesday morning, March 24 - Ligon Duncan’s Presentation about the Gospel Coalition (English): 


Tuesday morning, March 24 - Ligon Duncan’s Presentation about the Gospel Coalition (Portuguese): 



Tuesday morning, March 24 - Doug Birdsall’s Presentation about The Lausanne Movement (English): 


Tuesday morning, March 24 - Doug Birdsall’s Presentation about The Lausanne Movement (Portuguese): 



Tuesday afternoon, March 24 - Thomas Schirrmacher’s presentation about The World Evangelical Alliance (English): 


Tuesday afternoon, March 24 - Thomas Schirrmacher’s presentation about The World Evangelical Alliance (Portuguese): 


Tuesday afternoon, March 24 - First WRF General Assembly Business Session (English): 



Tuesday night, March 24 - Dialogue about Ministry in the Context of Homosexual Concerns by Augustus Nicodemus Lopes and Kin Yip Louie (English): 



Wednesday morning, March 25 – Chris Wright Devotional, Stephen Tong Presentation on Islam, Panel Discussion on Islam with Stephen Tong and Christine Schirrmacher 




Wednesday afternoon, March 25 sessions – Panel Discussion on Ministering in the Context of Islam (English):


Wednesday evening, March 25 – Diane Langberg and Jim Gamble Presentations on Human Trafficking (English):


Thursday morning, March 26 – Chris Wright devotional, Boz Tchividjian, Phil Monroe and Raju Kendas on Human Trafficking and Child Sexual Abuse in Religious Environments (English):


Thursday afternoon, March 26 – Beatri Kruger and Extended Panel Discussion on Human Trafficking and Child Sexual Abuse in Religious Environments (English):


Thursday afternoon, March 26 – Second WRF General Assembly Business Session (English):




Friday morning, March 27 – Chris Wright devotional, David Baer about the Overseas Council and Church Planting Presentations (English):



Friday morning, March 27 – Church Planting Panel Discussion and Closing Worship Service with Robert Benn Preaching (English):