Theological Education



From June 2 through June 6, 2014, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, seven international ministries joined together to sponsor a Consultation on Global Theological Education.

 Those seven organizations are the following (listed in alphabetical order):

1. The Fellowship of Evangelical Seminary Presidents
2. The International Council for Evangelical Theological Education -
3. The Langham Partnership -
4. The Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization -
5. The Overseas Council -
6. The Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance -
7. The World Reformed Fellowship -

The Consultation was MOST generously and graciously hosted by Mackenzie Presbyterian University ( ) and by the Presbyterian Church of Brazil ( ).

The Chair of the Consultation was Dr. Samuel Logan, International Director of the World Reformed Fellowship.

The purpose of the Consultation was to bring together the top leaders from evangelical theological colleges and seminaries from around the world and to: 1) discuss what makes good partnerships among such educational institutions and 2)  encourage and facilitate the formation of such partnerships in order to build up the work of global evangelical theological education.

Below are listed three items:

1) The names of the participants in the Consultation
2) A summary of the sessions of the Consultation
3) Links to the video recordings of most of the sessions of the Consultation

1.  Participants in the Consultation:

Western - 24

Dan Aleshire, Executive Director of The Association of Theological Schools (USA)
David Baer, President of the Overseas Council (USA)
Mark Bailey, President of Dallas Theological Seminary (USA)
Pierre Berthoud, President of the Board of Faculte Jean Calvin (France)
Doug Birdsall, Honorary Chair of the Lausanne Movement
Ross Clifford, President of Morling College (Australia)
Steve Fogarty, President of Alphacrucis College (Australia)
John Franke, Executive Director of the Yellowstone Theological Institute (USA)
Charles Hewlett, President of Carey Baptist College (New Zealand)
Dennis Hollinger, President of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (USA)
Byron Klaus, President of the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (USA)
Mark Labberton, President of Fuller Theological Seminary (USA)
Peter Lillback, President of Westminster Theological Seminary (USA)
Samuel Logan, Consultation Chair and International Director of the World Reformed Fellowship
Gary Nelson, President of Tyndale Seminary (Canada)
Matthew Niermann, Director of Analytics for the Lausanne Movement
Bernhard Ott, Accreditation Director of European Evangelical Accrediting Association
Marvin Oxenham, Coordinator of the European Evangelical Accrediting Association
Thomas Schirrmacher, President of Martin Bucer Theological Seminary (Germany)
Ian Shaw, Scholarship Director of the Langham Partnership (England)
Don Sweeting, President of Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando (USA)
Steve Vanderhill, President of Redeemer Seminary (USA)
Chris Wright, International Ministries Director of the Langham Partnership (England)
Mark Young, President of Denver Seminary (USA)

Majority World - 31

P. J. Buys, Associate International Director of the WRF (South Africa)
Ashish Chrispal, Regional Director of the Overseas Council (India)
Mehrdad Fatehi, Director of Pars Theological Centre  (Iran, England)
Josue Fernandez,  Regional Director for the Overseas Council,  Latin America and the Caribbean
Atef Gendi, President of the Evangelical Seminary of Cairo
Magdi Gendy, Regional Director of the Overseas Council for Middle East and North Africa
Tim Gener, President of Asian Theological Seminary (Philippines)
Anatole Glukhovsky, Deputy Director of the Lausanne Movement (Ukraine)
Davi Charles Gomes, Chancellor of Mackenzie Presbyterian University (Brazil)
Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Director of Graduate Studies at Trinity Seminary (Ghana)
Pravinkumar Israel, President of Southern Asia Bible College (India)
John Jusu, Overseas Council Regional Director for Africa
Riad Kassis, International Director of the ICETE (Lebanon)
David Sang-Bok Kim, President Emeritus of Torch Trinity Graduate University (Korea)
Stephen Lee, President of China Graduate School of Theology (Hong Kong)
Carlos López, Rector of SETECA (Seminario Teológico Centroamericano)
Theresa Roco Lua, Dean of Asia Graduate School of Theology (Philippines)
Enson Mblike Lwesya, President of All Nations Theological Seminary (Malawi)
Wonsuk Ma, Executive Director of Oxford Center for World Missions (England)
Mauro Meister, President of Andrew Jumper Graduate School of Theology (Brazil)
Dankit Nassiuma, President of Africa International University, Kenya
Weanzana Nupanga, President of Bangui Evangelical School of Theology
Michael Oh, Executive Chair of the Lausanne Movement (Japan)
Finny Philip, President of Filadelphia Bible College (India)
Bobby Ryu, The Lausanne Movement (Japan)
Norberto Saracco, Director of International Faculty of Theological Education (Argentina)
Elizabeth Sendek, President of the Biblical Seminary of Colombia  
Joseph Shao, President of Biblical Seminary of the Philippines (Philippines)
Frew Tamrat, Principal of Evangelical Theological College (Ethiopia)
Reuben Van Rensburg, Principal of South Africa Theological Seminary (South Africa)
Tham Wan Yee, President of Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (Philippines)  

Speakers – 3

Melody Mazuk, Director of Library Development, reSource Leadership International
Ramesh Richard, Professor of Global Theological Engagement, Dallas Theological Seminary
Mariel Deluca Voth, Library Consultant for Latin America and the Caribbean 

Observers/Visitors Invited by Mackenzie University - 4

Roberto Brasiliero (Brazil)
Augustus Nicodemus Lopes (Brazil)
Henk Stoker (South Africa)
Iver (Murdo) Martin (Scotland)

2.  The Schedule for the Consultation

NOTE: Not all of the Consultation sessions are listed below.  The ones not listed were those in which discussion was the primary format and which were not video taped.  The ones listed below are just those which involved a significant amount of plenary presentation and were recorded.

Day One: Monday, June 2

Welcome (Sam Logan)

Opening Address: "What Is the Purpose of Partnership in Theological Education?" (Davi Gomes)

Day Two: Tuesday, June 3

Worship (Davi Gomes and Mackenzie University Personnel)

 “Biblical Partnership in Global Theological Education: A View from the World Evangelical Alliance” (Thomas Schirrmacher)

“My Dream for Theological Education Partnership” (Elizabeth Sendek)

Day Three: Wednesday, June 4 

Worship (Davi Gomes and Mackenzie University Personnel)

“Theological Education as Service to Christ’s Church” (Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu)

"What Represents Success in Theological Education?" (Timothy Gener and Steven Lee)

"How Can Accreditation Facilitate or Hinder Successful Partnerships?  What is the Role of Religious Accreditation Alongside Secular Accreditation?"  (Bernhard Ott and Dan Aleshire)

"My Dream for Theological Education Partnership in the Digital Age" (Michael Oh)

Day Four: Thursday, June 5

Worship (Davi Gomes and Mackenzie University Personnel)

"Theological Education as Service to God's World and for the Public Good (Chris Wright)

"My Dream for Theological Education That Reflects the Equality of the Body of Christ {Equability}" (Don Sweeting)

"Equability: How to Establish Equable Organization-to-Organization Relationships" (John Jusu and Magdi Gendy)

Day Five: Friday, June 6

Worship (Davi Gomes and Mackenzie University Personnel)

"Theological Education as Partnership in the Gospel" (Ross Clifford)

"My Dream for Theological Education Which Resources the Global Church" (Raid Kassis)

"Summary of the Consultation and Some Possible 'Next Steps'" (David Baer)

3.  Video Tapes from the Consultation 

 Mon evening Introduction and Worship.mp4

  Mon evening Worship #2 and Gomes #1.mp4

 Mon evening Gomes #2.mp4

 Mon evening Gomes #3 and Corporate Prayer.mp4 


 Tues morn Worship and Intro.mp4

 Tues morn Schirrmacher #1.mp4

 Tues morn Schirrmacher #2.mp4

 Tues morn Schirrmacher #3.mp4

 Tues morn Sendek #1.mp4

 Tues morn Sendek #2.mp4 


 Wed morn Worship and Prayer.mp4

 Wed morn Asamoah-Gyadu.mp4 

 Wed morn Asamoah-Gyadu #2.mp4

 Wed morn Lee #1.mp4

 Wed morn Lee #2.mp4 

 Wed morn Gener.mp4

 Wed morn Ott.mp4

 Wed morn Aleshire.mp4

 Wed morn Oh #1.mp4

 Wed morn Oh #2.mp4


 Thurs morn Intro, Worship, and Wright #1.mp4

 Thurs morn Wright #2.mp4

 Thurs morn Wright #3 and Sweeting #1.mp4

 Thurs morn Sweeting #2 and Questions #1.mp4

 Thurs morn Questions #2.mp4


 Thurs evening Jusu #1.mp4

 Thurs evening Jusu #2 and Questions.mp4

 Thurs evening Jusu #3 and Gendi.mp4


 Fri morn Worship and Clifford #1.mp4

 Fri morn Clifford #2.mp4

 Fri morn Kassis.mp4

 Fri morn Baer Summary of Consultation.mp4

 Fri morn Baer Summary #2 and Comments.mp4